30 June 2011

I will come again

Hush now my darling
sleep now don't cry
I will find you
in another life

Peace to you on journey
follow the skies above you
their stars will lead you home
when you're up and grown
never doubt their magic
never doubt their love

Quiet all around you
peace of solid gold
no one near will harm you
if in your heart you hold

But hush my darling
 hush hush now
soft and whispers all around
now I know just who you are
my darling
will treat you to their kindness
all across the sky

Safe now my darling
gone are you from here
I will come and find you
when the time draws near

Keep your heart wide open
to the possibility
that I will come and find you
when it's safe for me

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I love these poems. I've read most of the June ones, following your Heartless entry, and I really like them :)
